Richard TwineStick
The name comes from the stick stuck in the twine that was tying his feet together and was going to eventually lose a foot and one or two toes on the other foot.  
The Richard part is because Richard Belzer from Law and Order SVU happened by just as I swiped the bird off the street and was looking at his feet.  He asked if it was sick,  I said no,  and told him of the epidemic foot problem.  He seemed sympathetic.
The video on the left shows first the one footed bird I first spotted,  then Richard (by the car wheel) then another comes limping in front of Richard!  Needless to say - I caught Richard.

 New York City Pigeon Rescue Central
Richard as his peers see him
I had stopped to check out this Checquer with a broken foot
He came very close...
It was a busy day for me,  I had to shlep this poor thing
through several subway and cabs before arriving home
and getting out the toolkit.
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He started eating strait away after the de threading - even though he had quitea full crop when I caught him!
Some release video to come soon...